Exclusive: How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media

Newsweek Article BY ROWAN JACOBSEN ON 6/2/21 AT 2:23 PM EDT

Sars-CoV-2, Aux Origines Du Mal (Now Available)

1. Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)By @BricePerrier A plethora of references to the work of #DRASTIQUE Please RT especially to French Friendshttps://t.co/Qmci2lTlLe208 Pages 17,00 €ISBN : 978-2-410-02415-9Impression: Noir et blancorhttps://t.co/FV7Sf4emo5 https://t.co/msf4dFNkes

Open Letter to the World Health Organization and the Members of its Executive Board

Understanding the origins of the pandemic is essential to addressing our vulnerabilitiesand preventing future crises. Unfortunately, as outlined in previous open letters releasedon March 4 and April 7, structural, procedural, and analytical shortcomings of theWHO-convened joint study into COVID-19 origins have created unnecessary barriers tothis understanding.

Oder war es vielleicht doch ein Laborunfall? Das Rätsel um den Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie

Ein Virus treibt die Welt vor sich her. Ist es tatsächlich auf natürlichem Weg übertragen worden? Oder etwa doch aus einem Hochsicherheitslabor in Wuhan entwichen? Die drängende Frage nach dem Ursprung der Pandemie wird durch den Machtkampf zwischen den USA und China massiv erschwert. Marcel Gyr, Text; Anja Lemcke, Illustrationen16.04.2021, 05.30 Uhr Google Translate OrContinue reading “Oder war es vielleicht doch ein Laborunfall? Das Rätsel um den Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie”

How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group

Jackson Ryan April 15, 2021 The Seeker poured a strong cup of chai and lit a cigarette. He was onto something. Alternating between a smartphone and a laptop, the former science teacher from the northeast Indian city of Bhubaneswar punched keywords into the search bar of CNKI, one of China’s foremost databases of scientific papers. Continue reading “How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group”