Los detectives de internet que han sembrado dudas sobre el origen de la pandemia

Un grupo multidisciplinar organizado de forma espontánea en Twitter lleva un año investigando el trabajo del Instituto de Virología de Wuhan. Sus hallazgos han dado nuevas pistas sobre el inicio de la covid

Exclusive: How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media

Newsweek Article BY ROWAN JACOBSEN ON 6/2/21 AT 2:23 PM EDT

Sars-CoV-2, Aux Origines Du Mal (Now Available)

1. Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)By @BricePerrier A plethora of references to the work of #DRASTIQUE Please RT especially to French Friendshttps://t.co/Qmci2lTlLe208 Pages 17,00 €ISBN : 978-2-410-02415-9Impression: Noir et blancorhttps://t.co/FV7Sf4emo5 https://t.co/msf4dFNkes

How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group

Jackson Ryan April 15, 2021 The Seeker poured a strong cup of chai and lit a cigarette. He was onto something. Alternating between a smartphone and a laptop, the former science teacher from the northeast Indian city of Bhubaneswar punched keywords into the search bar of CNKI, one of China’s foremost databases of scientific papers. Continue reading “How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group”