The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark.BY KATHERINE EBAN JUNE 3, 2021

Sars-CoV-2, Aux Origines Du Mal (Now Available)

1. Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)By @BricePerrier A plethora of references to the work of #DRASTIQUE Please RT especially to French Friends Pages 17,00 €ISBN : 978-2-410-02415-9Impression: Noir et blancor

Open Letter to the World Health Organization and the Members of its Executive Board

Understanding the origins of the pandemic is essential to addressing our vulnerabilitiesand preventing future crises. Unfortunately, as outlined in previous open letters releasedon March 4 and April 7, structural, procedural, and analytical shortcomings of theWHO-convened joint study into COVID-19 origins have created unnecessary barriers tothis understanding.

Response to China-WHO Report

Open Letter to the World Health Organization and the Members of its Executive Board (April 30 2021) Open Letter: Calls for Further Inquiries Into Coronavirus Origins SARS-CoV-2: WHO-China report dismisses lab-origin hypothesis as being ‘extremely unlikely’ – By Annette Gartland @netpoette Twitter Thread by Jamie Metzl @JamieMetzl Open letter and video from Dr Steven QuayContinue reading “Response to China-WHO Report”

Coronavirus: What is “DRASTIC”, the independent collective investigating the origin of the epidemic?

Coronavirus : Qu’est-ce que « DRASTIC », le collectif indépendant qui enquête sur l’origine de l’épidémie ? C’est l’un des rapports les plus attendus de l’histoire. Les premières conclusions de l’enquête conjointe menée par les experts de l’OMS et de la Chine sur les origines de l’épidémie de coronavirus privilégie l’hypothèse d’une transmission du virus à l’homme par l’intermédiaire d’un animal infecté par uneContinue reading “Coronavirus: What is “DRASTIC”, the independent collective investigating the origin of the epidemic?”

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co

This paper intends to describe the research platform at the Zhengdian Gold Industrial Park in Wuhan, with a particular focus on the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, a vaccine development and production centre which is situated next door to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This document is structured as a collection of notes that areContinue reading “Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co”

#DRASTIC: otro equipo a la caza del origen del Covid (#DRASTIC: another team on the hunt for the origin of Covid)

Opinion piece in El Imparcial Descubrir el origen de la pandemia es donde han puesto el ojo, dominar la Ciencia de Datos su principal activo, y la red social Twitter su plataforma de comunicación urbi et orbi. Son los chicos de DRASTIC, el pequeño grupo internacional que ha sacado a luz papeles cruciales para rastrear elContinue reading “#DRASTIC: otro equipo a la caza del origen del Covid (#DRASTIC: another team on the hunt for the origin of Covid)”

OPEN LETTER: Call for a Full and Unrestricted International Forensic Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19

IntroductionFinding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 is critically important to both better addressing the current pandemic and reducing the risks of future ones. Unfortunately, well over a year after the initial outbreak the origins of the pandemic remain unknown.