SARS-CoV-2′s claimed natural origin is undermined by issues with genome sequences of its relative strains

Coronavirus sequences RaTG13, MP789 and RmYN02 raise multiple questions to be critically addressed by the scientific community

2 thoughts on “SARS-CoV-2′s claimed natural origin is undermined by issues with genome sequences of its relative strains

  1. Contemplate details you may have missed, if you are interested in the truth. The evidence points to Italy first, not China. It also points to cronies and allies of Trump and Bannon as the source.




  2. Excellent article.
    The news of conspiration has increased all over the world, and it is necessary to make it clear that the virus was not engineered as a bio-weapon, but maybe, most likely that it “escaped” from the laboratory.
    Not a virus, but a case that happened in a university in Brazil let the African bees to escape from lab, and now, after years, it has reached the US.
    So, accidents do occur, and therefore, we have to all take care.
    I work with grass for lawn and we have several types of grasses here in Brazil at Real Gramas. Although some of them, such as Grama Esmeralda is common and can be found at other countries, it needs special caution to send or bring seeds from outside of country. If not taken care, some of the plants may overcome the native ones.


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